Normally, I choose to stay in newer, designer apartments, which are a little more expensive, but this time I was looking to save a little bit of money, as Tokyo trips can wind up unexpectedly expensive :p This airbnb apartment was located just 8 minutes from Shingawa Station, which is a transportation hub in Tokyo. From Shingawa, you can access both Haneda and Narita Airport directly, and since it's on the Yamanote Line, you can access hot spots like Shibuya, Shinjuku, Ueno, Yoyogi, as well. この部屋は、品川駅より徒歩8分のところにあるので、羽田空港や成田空港、両方通いやすいです。山の手線を乗ればすぐ新宿、原宿、渋谷、などにいけることもできます。この値段でこの広さと、駅までの距離だと考えたら、ものすごくお得です。 ↓ If you use my refferal link we can both get a discount on our next stay! エアービーアンドビーでまだアカウント作ってない方、このリンクで登録すれば初泊りの割引クーポンがもらえます。↓ If you'd like to see my Tokyo Wishlist for apartments I've shortlisted for my future stays, check them out here! See if any suit your taste/price range for your trip. 私の東京の気に入り部屋がこちらで見れます。↓ Room mentioned in this listing この動画で紹介した部屋はこちら↓ If you look at his calendar you'll see the pricing varies by day. Some are as low as $39/night and weekends tend to cost $50-60, but this is still very cheap by Tokyo standards, and you can stay with a friend and split the cost, too! 〜*☆ SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS ☆*〜 Snapchat: MIKAERADESU Second Channel/セカンドチャンネル! Follow Me On Twitter/ツイッターでフォローしてね! Posting Daily On Instagram/インスタグラムでフォローしてね!_ ☆☆私たちが使っているカメラ機材の紹介☆☆ ブログカメラ/Vlog Camera Canon G7X Mark II インサート用/Inserts: Canon Kiss 7Xi ☆☆ 全ての機材をこちらで確認できます!↓ All gear listed here! ☆☆ ☆ Music In Today's Video ☆ Ex Boxer - Youtube Audio Library ~Thank You For Watching ~ This was *not* sponsored by Airbnb. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "How To Make Japanese Nabe | カレー鍋を作ってみた" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-