Utsu-P's cover of a dark pop song! That bass line is so heavy. I love it! And that bridge too! \m/_ This is the follow-up to the other album I compiled ("Discarded Prototype") starring Yowane Haku and Akita Neru. This time, I included songs with Gumi, so I figured I'd call the tuned-down Gumi "Gumo." Download the album here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/f4n0lu30l0yh2ul/Athazagora.rar Amazing artwork by my best artist friend, FixelCat! Go check out his amazing art and other Vocaloid stuff! :D http://fixelcat.deviantart.com/ Track List: 1. Hell Pops (地獄ポップス) 2. Fools Are Attracted to Anomaly (馬鹿はアノマリーに憧れる) 3. Asthma 4. I Think Dharma-San Fell (ダルマさんが転んだ気がする) 5. Heart's Cry 6. The Dying Message 7. Tokyo Teddy Bear (東京テディベア) 8. Frozen Forest 9. Chocolate Girl (チョコレイト・オンアノコ) 10. Flower (華) 11. Moksha (解脱) 12. Othello (オセロ) 13. Let's Ride The Happy Train (幸福列車に乗ろう) 14. Pure White Poison (まっしろな毒) 15. Destruct No.2 (自爆2号) I do not own any of the songs. I merely tuned them down. Go check out and support the original artists: 鬱P, オカメP, doN, and LustyBaby! STAY BRUTAL!! \m/_