Roppongi A popular YouTuber Cathy Cat is going to show you what’s great in Roppongi; ・A great 360°panoramic view from the highest outdoor observation deck in Japan. ・A restaurant where you can enjoy a gorgeous show performed by dancers dressed up as traditional courtesans called oirans. ・Having tasty meat dishes at new restaurant area in Roppongi. See what’s interesting at the day and night in Roppongi! 《Reporter》 Cathy Cat : 人気YouTuber、Cathy Catが、六本木をご紹介! 日本一高い屋外展望台から望む360度の絶景、 豪華絢爛な花魁ショーを楽しめるレストラン、 絶品肉料理店がずらりと並ぶ新名所など、 昼夜で異なる顔を見せる六本木の名スポットを特集!