Of course, "best" is purely subjective. 僕たちが考える”ベスト”な旅館で~す! To celebrate a bunch of things (late birthday, new job, success with YouTube/book sales), Ryosuke and I went to a gorgeous traditional Ryokan in Tochigi, Shimofujiya. いつも仕事頑張ってるグレイスのためにも温泉で有名な那須塩原にある「やまの宿 下藤屋」さんの旅館に行ってきたよ~! English web site: http://www.english.shimofujiya.com/ サイトはこちらhttp://www.shimofujiya.com/ 下藤屋の皆様のご協力のおかげで、最高の思い出と動画が出来たよ〜! We heard about this place through a good friend and yeah, it lived up to the hype. 友達に勧められて行ったら、もう「感動」の一言! Ryokan have been closing down all over Japan - because of the declining birth rate, the fact that people are leaving the countryside in favor of large cities, and lower household finances. 最近日本では人口減少によって廃業する旅館が増えてるらしいので、なるべく早めに旅館に行こうと思ったのがきっかけなんだ! I wanted to make sure I we had the chance to see one, before most of the historic and "authentic" places close down. The Ryokan: http://www.english.shimofujiya.com/ One-time donation (to support the creation of videos): http://howibecametexan.com/donate/ Monthly support via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TexaninTokyo Buy my comic books: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TexaninTokyo My comics (on Amazon): http://goo.gl/5SzZCr My comics (on my blog): http://howibecametexan.com/latest_blog_posts/ 漫画 (日本語ver): http://gaijinwifegaijinlife.hatenablog.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My blog: http://howibecametexan.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TexaninTokyo Twitter: https://twitter.com/texan_in_tokyo