We found a sushi place called Itaemae Sushi Edo. It sounds like "Eat My Sushi." Get it? Eat My Sushi? We did a segment called Eat Your Sushi. WE HAD TO EAT HERE! Subscribe for more videos: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=simonandmartina Read more about it on our blog: ☞ http://www.eatyourkimchi.com/itamae-sushi-edo Check out their Facebook: ☞ https://www.facebook.com/itamaesushitokyo/ Or, check out their website if you're comfortable with Japanese: ☞ http://itamae.co.jp ☞ https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1308/A130801/13199527/ Bloopers & Extra footage: ☞ https://youtu.be/M-sL8Ccsk6I Our crazy Instagram feed: ☞ https://www.instagram.com/eatyourkimchi/ Check us out on Facebook: ☞ https://www.facebook.com/simonandmartina Chat with us on Twitter ☞ http://www.twitter.com/eatyourkimchi