Instagram: @patrickyan Shabu shabu is a quick and easy to make Japanese hot pot perfect on a chilly day! Cook meat and vegetables in the broth and dip in some oroshi ponzu or sesame sauce! ======== Ingredients (2 servings): kombu dashi (kombu kelp soaked in water) 600g thinly sliced pork and/or beef 250g napa cabbage 200g shungiku 200g shimeji mushroom 200g enoki mushroom 50g shiitake mushroom 1/2 tokyo negi 1/2 block tofu few slices carrot 1 pack udon ponzu grated daikon gomadare sesame sauce 재료 (5인분): 다시마 육수 샤브샤브 얇게 썬 돼지고기/소고기 600g 배추 250g 쑥갓 200g 시메지 버섯 200g 팽이버섯 200g 표고버섯 50g 대파 1/2개 두부 1/2모 당근 조금 우동 1팩 폰즈 소스 무 간 것 고마다래 깨 소스 材料(2人份): 昆布高汤 火锅肉(猪肉,牛肉)600g 白菜 250g 茼蒿 200g 占地蘑菇 200g 金针蘑菇 200g 香菇 50g 大葱 1/2个 豆腐 1/2盒 胡萝卜 几片 乌冬面 1包 ponzu 搅碎的萝卜 日本芝麻酱