MORE INFO VOCAB Apaato - アパート apartment manshon マンション This is a word used to mean condo. But I have also heard it used for newer condo style houses. Usually tall new apartments will be called manshon, or anything you would call a condo. ie 家 house WEBSITES Japanese websites (the one we looked at) WEBSITES (English) Gaijin houses and English friendly apartments YOU WILL NEED Money Gaijin card (gaijin ID , go to your city hall to get one((shiyakusho/kuyakusho))) MAYBE NEED Guarantor hoshounin 保証人 Key money reikin 礼金 Deposit shikikin 敷金 Theres plenty of apartments that you don't have to pay any of these, you just have to look. Rent in Japan ranges. The range is large. Newer, high demand areas, nice, fancy buildings can be expensive. But theres new buildings and old buildings that are cheap. Rent can be as little as 1万円 - (100$) A decent 2 room house can be anywhere between 3万円 - 6万円 Ave. But of course more expensive is available. HOW TO SAY HOW MANY ROOMS Houses often are graded such as the following 1R - 1 room 1K 1DK 1LDK R means room D means dining room K means kitchen L means living room When you see the numbers 1 it means really theres 1 room, but if its 1LDK it could mean that theres big kitchen with room for dining room and living room too. Kinda open concept. But 2 means actually 2 rooms, 3 means 3 rooms etc. JAPANESE STOVES Japanese apartments usually don't come with stove. Most stoves in Japan are GAS!! AAAAAAAAA!! If you don't like gas you can buy what is called IH cooking heater. IHクッキングヒーター Its those new electric stoves. Some apartments come with that already or you can buy it. (thats what I did) NOTE: Older houses might not have enough elec power to power your IH cooking heater, so check when house is built and IF it can handle the watts on your stove before you move in. Otherwise if you like gas, you buy a gas stove. Also note Japanese stoves are VERY different from other stoves. Stove is the 'top part' only. NOT oven. Oven is separate. Often in apartments you will wonder 'why is half the counter shorter than the other half...' well thats where you put your 'stove top'. More info later, Ill do a video. Japan is hot, its best to get a place with eakon (air conditioning)エアコン Or else you will HAVE to buy your own. Also another fee. When you see the apartments total on the Japanese website you might see 管理費(かんりひ) KANRIBI Fee extra. This is like a 'maintenance fee'. And if its there you gotta pay, so add that fee to your rent every month. I was told its maintenance fee, but I don't have a lot of details as to what it is actually for. My hunny said it could be for anything, landlord cleaning drive way, taking care of yard, garden, any of that stuff that landlords do. I FORGOT to mention Japanese houses are measured in how many tatami mats can fit Called jou 畳 I probably forgot a lot to mention; Questions please message me or ask below in comments. I will add to this when needed.