Okay so I had a can of cherry limeade, and wasn't quite sure what to do with it. So I thought I hadn't done a Tokyo Tea yet. So I thought why not make one with cherry limeade, Course I didn't know the limeade was red till I poured it so I called it Red Tokyo Tea. Its in the long island family, I left out the tequila in this, though you can add it if you like. Recipe 1 oz Midori 1/2 oz Triple Sec 1/2 oz Light rum, or Coconut rum 1/2 oz Gin Top with Cherry Limeade. Directions, build ingredients in a collins glass. Buy stuff From Awesomedrinks.com http://awesomedrinks.com/collections/collins-glass Collins glasses, or a tiki glass, which is hand made. :o http://awesomedrinks.com/collections/cocktail-jigger Oxo measures and other cool measuring gadgets. Submit your recipe(s), contact me, and or Like on Facebook www.facebook.com/Drinkingwithdragons Follow on Instagram and Twitter www.instagram.com/drinkingwithdragons https://twitter.com/RoarkDWD All rights reserved.