Japanese government is trying really hard to sell their food products to other countries but do not buy them. Japanese government and companies lied so much that you can't trust them. FUK-U-SHIT-MA sushi is new trend in Japan. Comes with free radiation poisoning. Unlike most people think, Japan do not have safe nuclear records. There were too many lies and cover up from Japanese government and companies over Fukushima nuclear plants. Hitachi engineer Mitsuhiko Tanaka who was involved with the production of metal container for nuclear fuel rods for Fukushima admitted about defects of container which was bent during 2.5 years of production but to save money Hitachi covered it up by push the metal container back and weaken the structure of nuclear rods container. Also TEPCO who was managing Fukushima nuclear plants also tried to stop sea water flowing into nuclear reactors to stop salt water damages to the plants after their 3 back up cooling systems all failed but their nuclear engineer Masao Yoshida disobeyed the company order and dump the sea water into reactor to cool it down for further spread of explosion and radiation. Japanese company was more concerned for saving money than saving lives. Masao Yoshida died of cancer 2 years later but TEPCO refused to admit that he died of radiation exposure during nuclear clean up and blamed on his health. Traces of radiation have been found in tunas near the US west coast and there have been reports of 10,000 dead sea lions washed up in California coast with malnutrition. Fukushima nuclear waste water being dumped is changing the eco system in food chains. In the beginning, you won't see much difference from the damage but the problems will get larger as they continue to dump 300 tons of nuclear waste water a day into Pacific Ocean from Fukushima to cool down their broken reactors. More than half the world population lives next to Pacific Ocean. The world is screwed with Japanese Yukiya Amano as head of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) department. He said Fukushima was act of mother nature and not a human error but that is a complete lie. He is trying hard to let Japan keep nuclear power while risking everybody's lives with another potential major nuclear accident in Japan. Japan is sitting on moving earth crust. One of these days, it will go under and drag 54 of their nuclear power plants with it and destroy humankind. This is not if but when. Countries with lot of earthquakes like Japan should be banned from using nuclear power plants. There are alternate power sources available like wind and wave power. Japan has 2nd largest foreign reserves in the world with $1.2 trillion dollars which they can use but they are trying to save money and decided to turn on their nuclear plants again after Fukushima accident. First one they opened was Kyushu island because they thought it was safe being far away from Fukushima but it was hit by another major earthquakes in 4/15/16. Nowhere is safe from earthquakes in Japan but they plan to open 4 more nuclear plants soon. This is a madness and the whole world closed blind eyes to Japan. I am not against nuclear power but earthquakes country like Japan should be banned from using nuclear plants. It's a common sense.