This video is far longer than Educational Video Group's video. SUMMARIZATION OF THE CLIP: President Harry Truman announced to the world that the atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, marking it the first time nuclear warfare was used. A U.S. warplane dropped a single bomb on Hiroshima and destroyed its usefulness to the enemy. Truman then cited a brief history that the Japanese began the war with the U.S. from the air at Pearl Harbor. With the atomic bomb, the U.S. added a new increase in destruction to supplement the growing power of its armed forces. Truman also stated that the atomic bombs were in production (in addition to making conventional weapons) and that more powerful forms were in development. Truman also gave information about the destructiveness of the atomic bomb and that it was used against those who brought war to the Far East. Truman then stated that with the atomic bomb, the U.S. military was prepared to destroy every productive enterprise the Japanese have in any of their city by attacking their docks, their factories, and their communications in deadly and rapidly ways (far more than any conventional raid, even the firebombing of Tokyo on March 9-10, 1945 which killed 100,000 Japanese civilians in one night). Truman said there was no doubt that he was willing to destroy Japan's power to make war. Truman stated that dropping the atomic bomb was to spare the Japanese people from utter destruction by citing the Potsdam Declaration issued to Japan which was promptly rejected by Japanese leaders. He then gravely warned the Japanese that they would face a "rain of ruin from the air" followed by attack from sea and land forces in such large numbers and power, if they did not accept the terms of the ultimatum. Truman stated that it cost $2 billion dollars in developing a few atomic bombs and that the U.S. had won the atomic arms race. He thanked the scientists because they helped making the development of the atomic bomb happen. He then cited that the U.S. have more money and resources to create atomic bombs and the cooperation of both industries and scientists under the direction of the U.S. Army helped created a successful atomic bomb in a short time. Truman then stated that the atomic bomb was the greatest achievement in the history of science.