A coffee pop-up that decided to stay Omotesando Koffee doesn’t want to be found. No really, it tries in every possible way to be invisible but determined caffeine addicts and coffee tourists still manage to stumble upon its hidden location quite frequently. Omotesando Koffee was actually never meant to be a real coffee shop which could explain its aversion to being discovered. Originally concepted as a pop up coffee stand in a soon to be demolished home, Omotesando Koffee was supposed to come and go, just an experiment by a career barista. But business went so well that the pop-up became a more permanent fixture on the already happening Omotesando Hills coffee scene. To get to this new but already storied coffee shop, one must trek up the hills of Omotesando, enter into a quiet residential area and then slowly walk to where the GPS or map leads you. You will inevitably pass by it, scratch your head and swear to yourself that you are where you’re supposed to be. Don’t look for a sign because the font is so small you’ll go blind. You’ll tentatively step into a courtyard that seems like it could be a business and then think you’re trespassing and step out. If you’ve gone through all of the above steps, you’ve come to the right place. You actually don’t know whether you’re walking into someone’s home or a few steps closer to your coffee fix until after you enter the courtyard and enter a small room manned by a lone man. The meticulously designed room is so tiny that you almost feel that you’re invading the barista’s space. But once you’re in, you’re in for a treat because Omotesando Koffee is a special coffee experience vastly different from the usual bustling café scene. Even with the inevitable long line, Omotesando is a personal, serene experience – just you and the barista, a small menu of options for hot and iced flawless coffee and one small cube of dessert to choose from. Because there’s no room inside to enjoy your perfect cup of coffee (unless you want to stare into your barista’s eyes as you savor), most patrons choose to enjoy their joe on benches out in the lush, small courtyard. There isn’t much talking as both the minimalistic interior and zen green space lends itself to quieting the mind. Savor the coffee and the experience while you can. Omotesando Koffee was never meant to be forever and the next time you search for this hard to find gem, you may not find it. Learn more: https://black-buddha.com/watch/omotesando-koffee/