Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Blossoming on Collision - Light in Space teamLab, 2016, Interactive Digital Installation, 4min 20sec, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi An interactive digital installation in which people can walk around freely in a space that completely surrounds them with projections on all sides. A Japanese mythical bird, the Yatagarasu (three legged crow), is rendered in light as it flies all around the space, leaving trails of light in its path and creating spatial calligraphy. The crows chase and are chased by each other. The chasing crows in turn become chased themselves, and when the chased crows crash into each other, they scatter, turning into flowers. The crows are also aware of the viewers and attempt to fly around them, but when they crash into a viewer, the crows scatter, turning into flowers in the same way. The center of the artwork world is gradually aligned to the position of the viewers standing in the installation. If all the viewers gather in one place the border between the walls and floor dissolves, the real physical space disappears and the viewers become immersed in the artwork. The lines that the crows trace then appears to be drawn 3 dimensionally within the space. If the viewers all move together whilst immersed within the artwork they can move around the viewer-artwork world. The work is rendered in real time by a computer program, it is neither a pre-recorded animation nor on loop. The interaction between the viewer and the installation, the position of the viewers and their behaviour, causes continuous change in the artwork. Link esterni: