Osaka ben 大阪弁 How much is this? これなんぼ? Kore nanbo? What's the matter with you? どないしたん?Donaishitan? really? ほんまに? Honmani? No! あかん!Akan! Don't sit there! そんなとこ座ってあかんて!Sonnatoko suwatte akan te! That's tough. 難儀やなぁ Nangiyanaa That's wrong! なんでやねん、それちゃうやん!Nandeyanen, sore chau yan! It's funny! おもろ! Omoro! I saw a very tall man. ごっつい 背の高い にいちゃん おってん。Gottsui se no takai nii chan otten. I don't mind. かまへん Kamahen ----------- I like posting on Instagram! ------- I also make videos with Gimmeabreakman. Here's the playlist!