► Check out the Sushi Nazis video: http://bit.ly/1KsrDKE Here we've got some weird conveyor belt sushi in Japan at Uobei Sushi in Shibuya, Tokyo. I mean, this place actually has hamburger sushi roll and grilled pork rib sushi, among other wild varieties. If that isn't some life-changing tokyo sushi, then I don't know what is. About Tokyo Chow Tour's Future: Hey everyone, recently I've been focusing on improving efficiency so that I can post more video content. I love the voting format of Tokyo Chow Tour but it's a bit inefficient because rather than waiting for a vote, it's actually just a lot more efficient to eat at a buckwild restaurant as soon as I see it. If a lot of you really prefer the voting system, I'll bring it back. But at least for now, I want to try doing food videos the way I used to: in spontaneous, buckwild, efficient fashion. However, I'll still incorporate voting into other videos from time to time if possible. I like to get as much community involvement popping off in this b*tch as I can. Join SoloTravelBlog's Other Networks: ► The Blog: http://solotravelblog.net/ ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/TravelSoloBlog ► Instagram: http://instagram.com/solotravelblog ► SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/solotravelblog/ ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoloTravelBlog ► Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SoloTravelBlog/ ► Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/solotravelblog SoloTravelBlog is international travel with a buckwild edge. Currently, I'm living in Japan and exploring all the weird and wonderful things this country has to offer. Subscribe for more updates on my exploits in Asia, baby. Intro / Outro Music: "BirdBrainz" by Otis McDonald