1971, MSc in Interdisciplinary Science, University of Tokyo; 1973, studies in Radiation Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel and Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy; 1975, PhD in Radiation Physics, University of Tokyo. Since 1974, with Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, including: 1996, General Manager, Information Storage Products; President, Mitsubishi Kagaku Media; 2001, Associate Director, General Manager, Recording Media; 2003, CEO, MKM Verbatim Group; 2005, Chief Technology Officer, Managing Executive Officer; 2006, Member of the Board, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings; Chief Technology Officer, Managing Executive Officer; since 2007, President and CEO. Since 2008, Co-Chairman, Committee on Europe, Nippon Keidanren. Since 2011, Vice-Chairman, Japan Association of Corporation Executives. Since 2013, Member, Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, Japan. ~~~ Discussion topics include: Japan's economic growth, economics, radiation physics, mitsubishi chemical industries, sustainability of society, free trade agreement, environment, Japan version 2.0 vs 1.0, 2020 is a critical juncture with the olympics and paraolympics, fiscal 2020 problems, moving towards sustainability, aging society, cyber physical space, urgency of transformation, cannot avoid inconvenient truth, debt, fiscal pledge for 2020, fiscal reconstruction, declining birth rate, increase in greying or aging society, fertility rate decrease, global agenda, shortages of food and water, climate change, globalization, it, information technology, socialization, 2020 extremely critical junction, Japan needs solutions, sustainability of energy and environment, at 10:30 ish: Japan standing on the edge of a cliff. Remember what Mitchio Kaku said - hanging on the edge of cliff by their fingernails. Global GDP, the future society of productivity, growing of cyber space age, information with no weight will be the new___, Mitsubishi chemical holding, corporate barrier, management sustainability, equity efficiency, co2, carbon dioxide, ROE, return on equity,. at 21:30ish Major topics for Japan's economies, 6-7 tribulations - handicaps, monetary easing, fiscal depreciation, performance depreciation, moderate recovery, economic future, must maintain confidence of markets, baby boomers, major risk factor, trade policy, TPP, congress, free trade agreement EU EPA, diet session, workers- management unfair dismissal, at 28:30ish energy policy and environment, reduce dependence and reliance on nuclear, restarting reactors, reducing nuclear use, decommission reactors, add renewable energy, nuclear 20% must be used or more, coal, gas fired, R&D, research and development needs support, solar, storage batteries, LED lighting at 33:00ish Greece econimic implications,, structural reforms, Abenomics, austerity, euro, greece, Abe, DPJ, CFB, economic stimulus, industrial competitive council, monetary easing, quantitative easing, BOJ, bank of japan, corporate tax rate, medications, medicine, generic, tax revenue, tax elasticity, current rate, interest, oil prices, low crude oil prices, sustainability, yen, cyber security private doctors, micro and macro economics, currency exchange rate, consumer electronics, sharp, panasonic, sony, currency exchange fluxuations, sony company demise, steel, chemicals, machinery, automobiles, production facilityis abroad, changing corporate mindset, farms, farmland, ROE, electricity prices at 1:07ish Nuclear Power Restarts - starting in Sendai - just kilometers from an Active Volcano.