Let's analyze census data, survey data, and make a few hypotheses on why Japan seems to be losing population. Warning, the results of the math are not very pretty, so to all my Japanese brothers and sisters, I hope you're getting as worried about your country's predicament as I am. If not, start doing research and looking at the facts. Maybe you can vote or lobby your government to make some changes. To everyone watching, thank you so much for your awesome comments! Please keep the engagement! Sources: Washington Post report on Japan's population: http://wapo.st/1pcH9Tb The Guardian's report: http://bit.ly/1Tb1wgr Associated Press report on this: http://apne.ws/1TEyuoO Japan Times reports on levels of sexual activity: http://bit.ly/1MWi21z Japan Times report on Sexual Harassment: http://bit.ly/1SDcnua More reports since I made this vlog: http://bit.ly/21M9EU3 30-40% of Japanese single adults are virgins: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/09/17/more-than-40-per-cent-of-japans-adult-singles-are-virgins-says-s/ Also, many people have commented, saying that losing population is good for Japan and the world. It is absolutely true that technological innovation and Moore's Law makes many jobs more and more automated. However, Japan's GDP is mostly based on a service-based economy (like any first-world country): http://bit.ly/1UZlIm3; Service-based sectors cannot replace workers with machines as effectively because they exist because of the need for a human to do the job. Do you want your retirement portfolio managed by a robot? Do you want your insurance claims handled by a machine? When your computer isn't working, do you want to call up another computer to fix it? To see which sectors are most at risk under our technological innovation age, check out this report: http://bit.ly/21VXp7l; most of the sectors at risk for job loss (to automation) are the manufacturing sectors, which only take up 20% of Japan's GDP. Hope this helps! Here's another factor to think about that could contribute to this declining population: http://bit.ly/1RTavkD It costs a lot of money to raise a kid in Japan, so couples are probably deterred because of that factor too. I found this interesting comparison about the cost of living: https://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living/tokyo?currency=USD Viewer Angelo linked a great NPR graphic on how likely it is for a job to be replaced by automation. Check this out: http://www.npr.org/sections/money/2015/05/21/408234543/will-your-job-be-done-by-a-machine Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/jerryliufilms; to follow my main channel: http://youtube.com/jerryliufilms Let me know if you want to see more vlogs, especially on politics, philosophy, history, being Asian American, Evolutionary Psychology, Gender Polarity, Men's Rights, MGTOW, Pickup, Feminism etc. Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jerryliu Every donation helps me make better content!