Ekubo Basic Japanese #17 보조개일본어, えくぼ日本語 japanese lessons, free japanese, japanese school, learning japanese Beginner, study in tokyo, Tokyo ----------------------------------------­--------------------------------------------- Let`s study past tense of verbe. ikimasu vs ikimashita 동사의 과거형을 배웁니다. Let`s study all of them! Get the power! --------------------------------------­--------------------------------------------- 他の講義も見たい人は! or 質問がある人は! Other lectures and QandA! 질문 많이 많이 해주세요. https://www.nihongonomori.com www.facebook.com/Nihongonomori Nihongonomori is making a variety of Japanese language education video for free. In our website you can choose a number of courses to improve your Japanese language skill. ありがとうございます。 감사합니다.! Thanks you. 日本語の森 Nihongonomori