- Subtitles - Select Japanese to get both English subs/Japanese subs. You can see my broken English subs(blah blah time) /Japanese subs(recipe part) by turning on the caption. You can also add your language as subtitles to this video. http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=qM44fB39jf0&ref=share Please let your language join to this video. That would be much appreciated. Ingredients I used (serving 2 -3) : 250g thinly sliced pork : 120g white part (from 3 green onion) : 50g green part (from 3 green onion) : 100g Japanese mayo : 1 tsp sesame oil Katsu (deep fry) : Flour : Beaten egg : Panko Today's customer at RUNNY's Katelyn from U.S.A ''What's cooking'' Intro theme song by http://www.youtube.com/yetanothersongwriter Regular cooking video list https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Other ASMR?(No talk) cooking list https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Blog http://runnyrunny999.blogspot.jp/ Twitter https://twitter.com/runnyrunny999 Thanks - runnyrunny999 このチャンネルではアメリカ規格の計量器を使ってますので、日本よりほんの少しだけ多めです。例えば大さじ1は日本の大さじ1.25くらいです。1カップは日本だと200ccですがアメリカの1カップは230ccくらいです。参考までに。 使った材料(12本分) : 250g 豚ロース : 長ネギ3本 : 100g マヨ : 小さじ1 ごま油 : 小麦粉 : 溶き卵 : パン粉 本日のお客さん アメリカからKatelynさん イントロテーマソング ''What's cooking'' by http://www.youtube.com/yetanothersongwriter Music by AudioNetwork 甘茶の音楽工房 TAM MUSIC FACTORY Blog http://runnyrunny999.blogspot.jp/ Twitter https://twitter.com/runnyrunny999 Thanks - runnyrunny999