This was the day we take our JR rail pass exchange order to get the actual Japan rail pass. We were conscious of the possibility of June being rejected because we were married inside Japan which rules Japanese people out of eligibility apparently. So the exchange orders are handled over and June gets her rail pass, though it was a close call because the attendant did refer to her colleague in regard to June's marriage certificate. One point to note it that you must also specify the date you want to start your rail travel on the rail pass and once set that date cannot be changed. Also the rail passes cannot be replaced if lost so be very careful once you have them. We also reserve a bed on the overnight 'Izumo Sunrise' an overnight train from Tokyo to Izumo. ++++++++++++++++ About us 私たちについて ++++++++++++++++ ヽ(・∀・ )ノ <Hi~ Thanks for visiting Nige&June's channel! Nige is from New Zealand & June is from Japan. We have moved to Japan from Perth, Australia early 2015. Our youtube videos in 2015 will be mainly about Japan! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ こんにちは♪ ナイジ&ジュンです。 ナイジはニュージーランド出身です。 日本の様子を英語で発信していきます☆ 日本語で要約した字幕を順次つけていますo(^_^)o (2015. 4. 13以降から/一部まだ準備中) CC(右下の四角)があるものは準備できてますので CCクリックにてご覧いただけます。 以下もあわせてどうぞ♪ ♪You can also see photos and articles at our blog post♪ 英語ブログは以下 ♪Twitter♪ (日本語も開始予定) ♪Facebook♪ (日本語も開始予定) ♪Pinterest♪ ♪Google Plus♪ (日本語も開始予定) ♪Snapchat♪ nigejune ♪Special Thanks to♪ (楽曲提供) Music: Bensound