[HD please!] WARNING: Major spoilers for the whole anime | Gore | Disturbing scenes and audio [J-popcon 2015 AMV contest - Judge's Choice] Yes, your eyes aren't fooling you. I actually edited something that's not yaoi. xD It's my first time editing with this kinda genre too, so it was nice for a change 8D I am well aware that I'm not the first one who have edited this song together with this anime, but by the time I found out about that I had already made 30 seconds so I figured it'd be a waste dropping it + I just love this band ; u; When I had edited 30 seconds of this video only 3-4 episodes of Tokyo Ghoul had aired, so thus I took a break editing it for various reasons and first continued and finished it this last week just in time for the final episode. I'm more or less pleased with how the vid ended up. I mean I could have polished it abit more here and there and probably thrown in some more effects and typography, but then again I felt like it was time to end this project already ; u; Now if you'll excuse me I'll go back to crying over the Tokyo Ghoul manga and Shuuneki OTL Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KP-NaOjSxpo