- Created at TripWow by TravelPod Attractions (a TripAdvisor™ company) Akihabara Taito Every electronic gadget imaginable can be found in the stores of this hi-tech, neon-lit neighborhood. The Sony Plaza is one of the most popular shopping destinations in the district. Read more at: Travel blogs from Akihabara: - "... I decided to find the famous Akihabara electronics district to fix it and my struggling blackberry why were all my electronics failing me in Tokyo of all ..." - "... this time we were given a tambourine and could only book in for an hour The next day was our last day in Tokyo, and Japan :'( We spent it walking around in a hungover daze in the Akihabara - Electronic City, to check out the electronics a ..." Read these blogs and more at: Photos from: - Tokyo, Kanto, Japan - Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, Kanto, Japan - Komae, Tokyo Prefecture, Kanto, Japan Photos in this video: - "Akihabara Street - plenty more electronics" by Kiemce from a blog titled "Kieran does Karaoke" - "Iwan on the main street on Akihabara" by Iwanllyrevans from a blog titled "Tokyo: Japan of the future" - "Akihabara: electric city" by Oandb from a blog titled "Day 4: Snow in Nikko, rain in Tokyo" - "Une rue d'Akihabara" by Bakoo from a blog titled "Second day in Paradise." - "Rain on Akihabara " by Oandb from a blog titled "Day 4: Snow in Nikko, rain in Tokyo" - "Me at Akihabara" by Alan_tdm1 from a blog titled "Akihabara - Harajuku - Shibuya" - "Nocna Akihabara" by Mimiama from a blog titled "Vylet do Eda" - "TX to Akihabara" by Oandb from a blog titled "Day 2: First tokyoite experience" - "Akihabara" by Miketong from a blog titled "Tokyo" - "Akihabara sign" by Amynp from a blog titled "Akihabara" - "Akihabara" by Fhsjapan2010 from a blog titled "A Hot Time In Tokyo" - "Akihabara" by Jorrr from a blog titled "Yoyogi Park" - "Akihabara" by Thom_rm from a blog titled "Lluvia, y mucho frio." - "Akihabara" by Raphaelle from a blog titled "The beginning ..." - "Akihabara" by Amynp from a blog titled "Akihabara" - "Akihabara" by Iwanllyrevans from a blog titled "Tokyo: Japan of the future" - "Akihabara" by Bakoo from a blog titled "This is the End... My only friend, The End!.."