2 hours ago 6.8 Earthquake off Coast of Ferndale, California. DEPTH (in km)10.0. - http://quakes.globalincidentmap.com/# - Fukushima 600 tons of melted debris fuel. Pools of CORIUM beneath reactors up to 2 Stories High https://youtu.be/SjVpso7QRUE?list=PLqkpf6ervgF2qoiI3JIO-785uAn0C1vUQ - BIGGEST COVER UP IN HISTORY NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST. BIGGEST MASS EXTINCTION EVENT IN HISTORY. http://enenews.com/ Into the Zone - Broadcast: 24/05/2016 Reporter: Mark Willacy - Fukushima 600 tonnes of melted debris fuel. Pools of CORIUM beneath reactors are up to 2 Stories High. http://www.abc.net.au/foreign/content/2015/s4468353.htm NAOHIRO MASUDA: We haven’t actually seen where the melted fuel fell, so it’s important to find it as soon as possible. MARK WILLACY: For the first time, Foreign Correspondent can reveal just how vast the amount of melted nuclear fuel is, the three molten blobs that lie somewhere deep within each of these buildings. NAOHIRO MASUDA: It’s estimated that 200 tonnes of debris lies within each unit so in total about 600 tonnes of melted debris fuel and a mixture of concrete and other metals are likely to be here. TEPCO EMPLOYEE: This area has very high exposure. Fukushima ‘China Syndrome’ IAEA: Pools of CORIUM beneath reactors are up to 2 Stories High. https://youtu.be/P4yUvAntZ04?list=PLqkpf6ervgF2qoiI3JIO-785uAn0C1vUQ Published on Mar 31, 2015 God gave me a word on Corium months ago.. God said, "Corium Corium Corium Release".. it jolted me awake. Published: March 30th, 2015 at 11:58 pm ET By ENENews AP: Melted fuel may have “dropped even beyond” the bottom of Fukushima plant — ‘China Syndrome’ predicted by US gov’t analysis — IAEA Expert: Pools of corium beneath reactors are up to 2 stories high (VIDEO) http://enenews.com/ap-melted-fuel-could-dropped-beyond-bottom-fukushima-plant-iaea-expert-pools-corium-could-be-taller-2-story-house-video Latest Headlines: 11:58 PM EST on March 30th, 2015 | 96 comments AP: Melted fuel may have “dropped even beyond” the bottom of Fukushima plant — ‘China Syndrome’ predicted by US gov’t analysis — IAEA Expert: Pools of corium beneath reactors are up to 2 stories high (VIDEO) Japan Physician: I hope adults will leave Tokyo, not just children — Strange things happening — Medications don't seem to work — Rare diseases increasing dramatically (VIDEO) http://enenews.com/japan-physician-i-hope-adults-will-evacuate-tokyo-not-just-children-strange-things-happening-medications-dont-seem-to-work-rare-diseases-increasing-dramatically-video Severely malformed babies have been killed in Japan. http://youtu.be/r2dghS1otAw 70% of children tested Ibaraki Prefecture contaminated with cesium. All from outside Fukushima. 70% of children tested in Kanto Includes Tokyo have radioactive cesium in their urine. Fukushima Fukushima Radiation Contamination of North Amer...ica THE TRUTH is BABIES are DYING! Infant Death Rate Spikes 48 Percent 35% Spike in Infant Mortality in Northwest US From Fukushima Nuclear Fallout Gundersen: Deformities, stillbirths not being reported after Fukushima — Officials withholding truth about health effects — Gov't suppressing studies on deformed animals Gundersen: We're getting reports from Japan of deformed children.tested 133,000 children in Fukushima found abnormal thyroid cysts in 42% with an 80% chance of malignancy.. Severely malformed babies have been killed in Japan. Evacuee: Fukushima hospital worker says 5 out of 7 babies were born with birth defect, Down's syndrome or lost by miscarriage http://enenews.com/evacuee-fukushima-hospital-worker-says-5-out-of-7-babies-were-born-with-birth-defect-downs-syndrome-or-lost-by-miscarriage Fukushima reactor cores have "Melt Through to China Syndrome" and went into the earth itself Includes over 1,500 pounds of plutonium Tepco admits to reporting false radiation levels for 3 years at Fukushima Akira Kurosawa's Dreams: Mount Fuji in Red (1990) http://www.myvideo.de/watch/6288209/Akira_Kurosawa_s_Dreams_Mount_Fuji_in_Red_1990 Mt Fuji Fukushima Akira Kurosawa's Dreams 1990 Could Akira Kurosawa's Dreams become a prophecy! http://youtu.be/At2FpWHtfW0 http://enenews.com/fukushima-reactor-cores-melt-china-syndrome-gone-earth-1500-pounds-plutonium Fukushima reactor cores may have had "Melt Through to China Syndrome" and went into the earth itself — Includes over 1,500 pounds of plutonium THE REAL EFFECTS OF CHERNOBYL and NOW FUKUSHIMA http://youtu.be/ooCpbVHtuYg http://enenews.com/cnn-unspeakable-rage-i-saw-my-wife-on-fire-this-is-tepcos-fault-no-official-count-of-how-many-are-killing-themselves-after-fukushima-video Japan took a position against Israel to force them to divide Jerusalem. And exactly one year later the Earthquake happened. Official statement: http://www.mofa.go.jp/announce/announce/2010/3/0311_01.html