A warning was issued for Japan to be on watch for M6.2 to M6.5 earthquake activity near Tokyo 2 days prior to the earthquake warning issued on November 19th.. The warning was issued on November 19th, and the time frame to watch was 72 hours (3 day watch). See the warning here, the location warned was near Tokyo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww8-YWRjqxk The location struck by the M7.0 earthquake today (Nov 21-22) was about 150 miles Northeast of the location expected to be struck! This is a very small location if one considers the size of the area expecting movement. _____ This stream is showing the past 48 hours of USGS reported earthquakes + the last 50 EMSC reported earthquakes internationally. No voice in this video unless a large earthquake strikes. Marker height off the globe = depth into the Earth. The feed may show double earthquakes in some locations due to both USGS + EMSC agencies reporting the events. When an earthquake strikes, you will hear a rumble, ding, and a bell toll. The bell will toll the number of times = to the earthquake which occurs. (example : M4.0 will ring 4 times). The most recent earthquake has a green placemark / flag on it. ______ Download the full version of earthquake3D here (cost: $20 USD): http://www.wolton.net/quakes.html Free version here: http://www.wolton.net/quake.html _______ CHAT RULES: I don't ask much, all I ask is that you keep the chat clean and open with not a lot of conflict! :) No excessive swearing (we have an audience going down to about 9 years old). 3 chances , 3 warnings given. Then banning is done. No religious or anti-religious spamming of any kind. No cut and paste arguments, or bible verses (christian, islamic, hindu, atheist etc. ) No one is allowed to cut and paste preach. Talking about what you believe is different than forcing your religious ideas on the whole chat room. No promotion of other channels allowed, unless pre-approved from dutchsinse (channels dutchsinse promotes are the only channels to be promoted via link dropping in the chat room). No subscriber beggers allowed :) LOL ______ Media and viewers can contact me via dork2door@yahoo.com for any information or interview requests. If you have questions I will try to answer via email if time allows daily. ______ check my websites here: http://www.youtube.com/dutchsinse http://www.facebook.com/dutchsinseofficial http://www.dutchsinse.com http://www.twitter.com/dutchsinse If you like my research, and want to help me further my reach online -- here is a direct link to my public fundraiser ::: https://fundrazr.com/f1A7Od ______ I now have a PO Box if viewers want to mail questions, donations, or mail packages / products they recommend to unbox on camera! 😃 Much love! send to: Dutchsinse c/o Michael Janitch PO Box 430157 Maplewood, MO 63143 ______ Global Earthquake Monitoring Links : https://sincedutch.wordpress.com/2011/11/30/11302011-list-of-earthquake-links-for-global-monitoring/ United States USGS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov European EMSC: http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/Map/gmap.php http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/seismologist.php Denmark / German GEOFON: http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/eqinfo/list.php Canada NRCAN: http://www.earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca/recent/maps-cartes/index-en.php Japan NIED: http://www.hinet.bosai.go.jp/