*English follows 今年も東大イノベーションサマースプログラムにて、東大生と世界中の大学から集まった学生向けにEGAKUを実施させていただきました。 描くテーマは「私の中のリーダーシップ」。 1時間以上の時間をかけて描き、内面を表現することに真剣に取り組む姿が印象的でした。 更に一人一人が個性あふれるリーダーシップの世界観を持ちながらも、絵を通してお互いを知り、より深く繋がる対話の場になりました。 We ran an EGAKU Program again this year for a group of students from Tokyo University, and students gathered from universities around the world as part of the UTokyo Innovation Summer Program (TISP). The theme of the workshop was "The Leader in Me." Participants were completely immersed in the task of painting for over an hour, intently giving expression to their innermost thoughts. While each participant had their own rich and distinctive perspective on leadership, the workshop was also an opportunity to learn about others - a platform for dialogue enabling the creation of deeper and more meaningful connections with one another.